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Medical  Dindigul Cardamom House Tourism

Cardamom House

Cardamom House at Attur near Dindigul in South Tamil Nadu,is a quaint, stylish homestay owned  by a retired British physician Chris Lucas.

It is about nine years old and every room at this place is named after an Indian spice or a herb. So, you can stay at Tumeric or Cinnamon and enjot meals at a wonderfully peaceful spot called Four Winds.


Chris says that Cardamom House is not a tourism place but more of a retreat. You can watch the birds, the sunrise, and just about do anything you want, even lie down on a bed of flowers.

It is also a place which believes in eco-tourism or responsible tourism.


The Attur Dam is very close, and one can enjoy fishing surrounded by all those green hills.

Solar energy is used for heating, the walls are specially designed to cool the house during summer, and all waste both organic and inorganic is recycled. Chris also helps local villages become self-sustained. Everything from the manpower, produce and other necessities are sourced directly from the village market.


Over 95 percent of the visitors are from the West—US, England, Japan, Italy, and Australia.

The cuisine is mostly continental and their smoked chicken with fresh herbs is a big hit among visitors.


The room charges vary and are approximately about Rs 4500 per day.

For reservations

Cardamom House, Athoor Village, Dindigul District #9360691793/451/2556765



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